Httpd Proxy Configuration

Types of Configuration Section Containers

Related ModulesRelated Directives
  • An Apache httpd proxy server situated in an intranet needs to forward external requests through the company's firewall (for this, configure the ProxyRemote directive to forward the respective scheme to the firewall proxy). However, when it has to access resources within the intranet, it can bypass the firewall when accessing hosts.
  • Configuration of Apache HTTP Proxy for replication (Agent - Server) 1. Modify the Apache HTTP Proxy configuration file httpd.conf located in C:Program FilesApache HTTP Proxyconf. A.By default, port 2222 is used for communication with the ESET Management Agent.
  • You can configure an Apache web server to function as a reverse proxy server with any stmndr agent. The following process lists the steps for configuring an Apache reverse proxy server. Add the following directives to the httpd.conf file: ProxyPass. Allows mapping of remote servers to the local server. The values in this directive use the.

There are two basic types of containers. Most containers areevaluated for each request. The enclosed directives are applied onlyfor those requests that match the containers. The <IfDefine>, <IfModule>, and<IfVersion>containers, on the other hand, are evaluated only at server startupand restart. If their conditions are true at startup, then theenclosed directives will apply to all requests. If the conditions arenot true, the enclosed directives will be ignored.

Apache Httpd Config

Configure Apache Httpd as Reverse Proxy. In this section, we will install and set up Apache as a reverse proxy for the internal enterprise application. We will not cover details on hardening apache httpd. Refer to the Center for Internet Security Apache httpd benchmark on instructions to harden the Apache httpd.


Httpd.conf Configuration Mod_proxy

The <IfDefine> directiveencloses directives that will only be applied if an appropriateparameter is defined on the httpd command line. For example,with the following configuration, all requests will be redirectedto another site only if the server is started usinghttpd -DClosedForNow:

Apache Httpd Configuration

The <IfModule>directive is very similar, except it encloses directives that willonly be applied if a particular module is available in the server.The module must either be statically compiled in the server, or itmust be dynamically compiled and its LoadModule line must be earlier in theconfiguration file. This directive should only be used if you needyour configuration file to work whether or not certain modules areinstalled. It should not be used to enclose directives that you wantto work all the time, because it can suppress useful error messagesabout missing modules.

In the following example, the MimeMagicFile directive will beapplied only if mod_mime_magic is available.

Httpd Proxy ConfigurationProxy

The <IfVersion>directive is very similar to <IfDefine> and <IfModule>, except it encloses directives that willonly be applied if a particular version of the server is executing. Thismodule is designed for the use in test suites and large networks which have todeal with different httpd versions and different configurations.

<IfDefine>,<IfModule>, and the<IfVersion>can apply negative conditions by preceding their test with '!'.Also, these sections can be nested to achieve more complexrestrictions.